Rules of the Road

  1. See the real world.  Stay off the interstate highways.


  1. Eat pie.  Eat where the locals eat.  Avoid franchised restaurants.  “Slow food” rather than fast food.


  1. See the sights that others miss.  No need to visit many theme parks.


  1. Plan to enjoy the unexpected.  When something catches your eye, check it out.


  1. Try new things — new places, new people, new food, new experiences.


  1. Stop and smell the roses…or whatever.  No need to rush; enjoy the journey.


  1. Think local.  Listen to local radio stations; read local papers; and watch local TV.


  1. Make the best of every situation,  If it seems boring, look again.


  1. Be smart.  Be safe.  Be prepared.  Exercise every day.  Keep the gas tank full.


  1. Preserve the experience.  Maintain a journal; keep records; and take a lot of photos.