Mooseless in Alaska – Day 97

Mooseless in Alaska

Day 97 – July 6, 2003 – Sunday

We spent a leisurely day in Anchorage before flying back to Seattle.

Seeing a moose (somewhere other than at a zoo) was a goal, so Bozzie Jane researched this, and we drove to a wooded area on the outskirts of town. There we took a walk along a path. We saw a lot of warning signs about bears, but we never saw a bear…and nary a moose.

As we drove back into town, we spotted a Chili’s Restaurant. It’s against our Rules of the Road to eat at chain restaurants, but after two days of bad food at local Anchorage restaurants, we screeched to a stop at Chili’s. The food was great — as it almost always is at Chili’s, and the service was extremely good (Katherine) — as it always is at Chili’s.

The rest of our Anchorage day was spent seeing the sights in and around downtown. Anchorage is small and not very old, so there wasn’t much to see. The highlight was the statue where the Iditarod Dog Sled Race begins each year. We saw Resurrection Point and the Captain Cook statue, and we saw the beautiful flowers in the City Park. Victoria took good care of us at Alaska Airlines and upgraded us to First Class. We also met Alvin and Bob — two security people.

Our flight was especially nice as we sat next to interesting people. I met three children as they boarded, and Elizabeth, Jessica, and Zeke were excited to receive beads. The Senior Flight Attendant, Terri, enjoyed wearing her beads as well. Boz sat next to Gary. He was very kind to send us a photo of a moose that he took while in Anchorage. I sat next to Beth. She saw a moose on the drive to the airport. Everyone saw a moose but us, it seems. We were mooseless in Alaska.

Beth and her husband, John, are adventurous outdoorspeople. She’s a tiny young lady, but she hikes on glaciers, spends weeks with grizzly bears, kayaks in the oceans, and is about to take a mule ride down the Grand Canyon. I rarely talk on planes, but Beth and I talked non-stop. On their travels, Beth and John met some folks who went around the world — took them four years.

On the shuttle to the Doubletree Hotel, we met another flight attendant named Terri, and she now has her beads. Same goes for Jeanna at the front desk.

Random Comments:

I have spent entirely too many hours online and running various programs to try to rid my laptop of a virus that causes annoying popup ads to harass me every time I boot up. I’d bet I have 12 hours invested with no success.

There is a lot to see and do in Seattle, so we may need an additional day. Currently, the schedule calls for us to return to Atlanta on August 17 and then fly to Hawaii.

The lesson for the day is that sometimes the best part of a day can be what doesn’t go as planned. Not seeing a moose in Alaska provided more laughs and enjoyment than we would have had if we hadn’t gone mooseless.

The Daily Journal of Round America:

Each day, we collect our thoughts on a web page just like this. We drop in some of the photos from the day. Our goal with the Daily Journal is to write about the towns we visit, the sights we see, the people we meet, and the pie we eat. We write about where we are, where we’ve been, and where we are going, but we also make observations about what we’ve seen and done as well as about life in general.

You can follow our travels from the Daily Journal section of this website. Other pages of interest include the running report of “vital statistics” on the Trip Scorecard, our nominations for the Best & Worst of the trip, as well as a rating of the pie we eat. If you’d like to see information for a specific state or town, click here, and then click on the state of interest, and the full itinerary is shown.


More Information on the Sights Visited Today:
Anchorage Alaska

Pack Your Lunch (and Dinner) for Alaska – Day 96

Pack Your Lunch (and Dinner) for Alaska

Day 96 – July 5, 2003 – Saturday

If you come to Alaska, pack your own lunches and dinners. We’re not hard to please. In 96 days of travel, we have been critical about less than five places we’ve eaten. But in Alaska, we have struck out. Each meal has been worse than the one before.

On a more positive note, what we had seen of Alaska is incredibly beautiful and I ‘m sure that we had not even seen the “tip of the iceberg” or glacier.

We started our day with a drive to Earthquake Park, a memorial to the 1964 quake that nearly destroyed Anchorage. Measuring 9.2 on the Richter Scale, this earthquake is still considered the largest and strongest in the history of North America. The trail led to a viewpoint where countless homes and land “fell” into the sea on a Good Friday morning decades ago. It’s always amazing to think that nature mends itself throughout the ages. To look at the beautiful forest, you’d never know that anything so violent took place 40 years ago

Anchorage is the float plane capital of the world.

We drove past downtown Anchorage and across the bridge to see where folks try their skill at catching the huge salmon as they pass under a rapids area at a bridge and make their way through a thin stream to the river beyond. It’s called “combat fishing” because there are times when the anglers are literally shoulder to shoulder in their quest to snag a big one!

A nice man named Joe explained to us that the limit is usually one fish per person, but this season the abundance of salmon has increased the bounty to two. It’s also a rule that the fish have to be caught in the mouth. We witnessed a man release his catch when it wasn’t according to the rules. I asked Joe how anyone would ever know. He said that standing amongst us was most certainly a plain-clothes game warden who was keeping an eye out for the opportunity to slap big fines on fishermen who might break those rules.

Watching the men silently and methodically cast their lines in the water was almost hypnotic?never taking their eyes off the stream or noticing that tourists like ourselves were watching and waiting along with them. We were thrilled to see the fisherman at the end of the line catch a huge salmon, but it wasn’t an easy job. He raced along down the river in his thigh-high waders, allowing the fish to dart and swim, only to reel it in a little closer with each episode. The fish finally tired of this dance and allowed itself to be pulled up onto an island of sorts where the man promptly pulled out his tape measure to record his accomplishment (probably 24″ long).

Boz naturally felt sorry for the poor fish and turned her attention to figuring out which one of the men standing on the bank might be from the game warden’s office. We started to interrogate one man who looked suspicious because he was wearing a T-shirt with the misspelled word “Sammon” plastered across the front. We decided not to bother him. Who knows, there may be a fine for being an annoying tourist! After all, the maps here clearly indicate that wildlife have the right of way.

Our day included a visit to the Statehood Memorial (Alaska is state #49 for the USA — state #26 for the Windsors’ trip Round America). There’s a bust of President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Alaska became a state in 1959. Alaska is the largest state in terms of size, but the smallest in terms of people — just 626,932. Anchorage is home to about 250,000 of those folks.

We spent some time at the Saturday Market in downtown Anchorage. It’s a park on the edge of downtown. There were primarily food and souvenir vendors, a few musical groups, and a couple of street performers. Bozzie Jane had an apple covered with caramel sauce ($4.50) and some peanut brittle ($6.00). Everything is really expensive in Alaska! Our hotel is running double what a comparable hotel would be most places in the lower 48. I had a delicious cherry pie from a stand in the market. We met a photographer who specializes in photos of the Aurora Borealis — the “Northern Lights.”

Anchorage is very proud of the hanging baskets that line the streets of downtown. Beautiful baskets and flowers. Next was a scenic drive to Seward and the Gulf of Alaska — about 125 miles. There was certainly some beautiful scenery, though most of the trip was under heavy gray skies. We saw mountains that descend right down to the water, snowcapped peaks, and beautiful green valleys. We detoured off the road a few miles to see the Exit Glacier and Resurrection River. Exit Glacier is the only area of Kenai Fjords National Park that is accessible by car. It is one of 35 glaciers that flow off the vast Harding Icefield. The Icefield is the largest in North America, and it remains as a 300 square mile vestige of the last ice age.

There wasn’t much to see in Seward other than the Gulf of Alaska. We saw what may be the World’s Largest Knife near Seward.

Tonight, we drove around downtown Anchorage until we spotted the largest crowd. Phyllis’ Cafe and Salmon Bake. The service was almost nonexistent. I was served salmon that was burned and full of bones, Uncle Ben’s white rice that was overcooked, canned corn served in a plastic bowl that was sitting in the middle of my plate on top of the salmon and rice, and a hamburger bun as “bread.” Oh, I forgot to mention that the starter salad had a plastic container of salad dressing nestled nicely on top of the greens, right in the middle of the plate! Boz settled for a Caesar Salad that was served after I had my main course. It was lettuce and big giant hunks of bacon, served with the same hamburger bun. $40. Really bad. Even the water tasted bad. And our table was filthy — wiped with a horribly dirty rag that was used to wipe every other table. But the place was packed. The best meal in Alaska will be the one we had in-flight on Alaska Airlines. I didn’t eat, and Bozzie reports that her meal was far better than at any of the places we had eaten in Anchorage. Anchorage seems like a very nice, quiet place, but they just seem to have a problem with food. We saw one closed restaurant after another as we drove around here. We wondered why. Now we know.

I’m afraid Phyllis Cafe and Salmon Bake will just edge out Gwennie’s (also in Anchorage) for the Worst Dinner Award. We figured the only reason lunch wasn’t bad is because we skipped lunch.

The lesson we learned for about the fifth time today is to never assume a restaurant will be good based on the number of cars in the parking lot.

The Daily Journal of Round America:

Each day, we collect our thoughts on a web page just like this. We drop in some of the photos from the day. Our goal with the Daily Journal is to write about the towns we visit, the sights we see, the people we meet, and the pie we eat. We write about where we are, where we’ve been, and where we are going, but we also make observations about what we’ve seen and done as well as about life in general.

You can follow our travels from the Daily Journal section of this website. Other pages of interest include the running report of “vital statistics” on the Trip Scorecard, our nominations for the Best & Worst of the trip, as well as a rating of the pie we eat. If you’d like to see information for a specific state or town, click here, and then click on the state of interest, and the full itinerary is shown.

More Information on the Sights Visited Today:
Anchorage Alaska — Earthquake Park — Combat Fishing — Alaska Statehood Memorial — Saturday Market in Anchorage — Seward Alaska — Exit Glacier — Phyllis Cafe and Salmon Bake

Sun Always Shines in Alaska – Day 95

Sun Always Shines in Alaska

Day 95 – July 4, 2003 – Friday

The Fourth of July in Anchorage, Alaska. State #26 on our trip. We flew Alaska Airlines from Seattle to Anchorage. It is 2,400 miles by car with not much to see but more trees, so we decided to fly when we planned the trip. We’ve now traveled by car, bus, trolley, boat, ferry, fire engine, train, and plane.

Before we left Seattle, we had an opportunity to meet some of the people at the Science Fiction Convention at the Doubletree Hotel near the Seattle Airport. Interesting folks. I spoke with Axel Moeller, a writer and illustrator, and Lauryn, a costume designer. Most of the attendees of the convention are science fiction fans who are really into this. Many of them like to wear costumes. Different.

Curtis took care of us at Alaska Airlines. Upgraded to First Class for a mere $50. Very pleasant flight. Boz inhaled our family friend’s latest novel, “Isabel’s Daughter.” She couldn’t put it down, so we think Judi Hendricks has another bestseller on her hands!

Anchorage is clean and nice. Quiet place. Much smaller than I anticipated — only 250,000 population. Alaska doesn’t seem particularly patriotic — very few flags. We saw no sign of fireworks anywhere. When you think about it, when could they set them off? It doesn’t ever get dark at night during July, so fireworks are probably not high on the celebration list.

Al and Mary Ann from Tampa, Florida sat behind us on the flight, and then we ran into them again at our hotel. Johnny, Myra, and Maile were especially nice at the hotel when we checked in. They told us about several things that most tourists would probably miss, so we have added some specific things to our must-see list. We also met Luke.

Gwennie’s was recommended for dinner. Not good. My fish was obviously frozen; the corn was canned; and the bread was strange. I ordered an Apple Dumpling for dessert, and it wasn’t very good either. We were really looking forward to some good Alaska seafood. Maybe tomorrow.

We took red, white, and blue pies (Cherry, Apple, and Blueberry) back to the folks at the front desk at the hotel because they joked that we should bring them some pie.

The sun was fairly low in the sky about midnight, but our room faced west, and there was bright light shining around the curtains all “night.” We propped various things against the curtain throughout the night in an effort to minimize the bright sunlight that invaded the room. Different.

The lesson of the day is one we’ve learned before: the weather can have a major impact on sightseeing. This is, however, the only time that bright sunshine was a problem.

The Daily Journal of Round America:

Each day, we collect our thoughts on a web page just like this. We drop in some of the photos from the day. Our goal with the Daily Journal is to write about the towns we visit, the sights we see, the people we meet, and the pie we eat. We write about where we are, where we’ve been, and where we are going, but we also make observations about what we’ve seen and done as well as about life in general.

You can follow our travels from the Daily Journal section of this website. Other pages of interest include the running report of “vital statistics” on the Trip Scorecard, our nominations for the Best & Worst of the trip, as well as a rating of the pie we eat. If you’d like to see information for a specific state or town, click here, and then click on the state of interest, and the full itinerary is shown.


More Information on the Sights Visited Today: 
Anchorage Alaska — Gwennies Restaurant