One of My Favorite People – Day 134

One of My Favorite People

Day 134 – August 12, 2003 – Tuesday

I had a great time visiting Karen Jones in Charleston. She gave me a wonderful tour, and it was a pleasure to meet her boyfriend, Travis. Karen is one of my favorite people in the whole wide world, and while I was only with Travis at lunch, he seemed like a really special person, too. Looked to me like a match made in heaven!

We had a great hamburger at Your Place, a true “hole-in-the-wall” local restaurant. Home cookin’ at it’s finest. The BEST burgers for a fraction of what you would pay at fancy places. Two nice ladies served us.

Apologies to Charleston, as the magnet of home grabbed me and kept me from seeing sights the way I normally would have. Bozzie Jane and I will return to Charleston soon, and we will see everything then. So, I said goodbye to Karen and hit the highway. I drove down “the coast” to Savannah to complete the circling of America (as that was the coastal city where the trip began on April 1), and then I drove from Savannah to Atlanta.

I took a picture of the giant chair at Richardson’s Barber and Beauty Supply.

Dublin has very pretty Georgian-style and Victorian-style buildings and homes on Highway 80.

It rained most of the way from Savannah to Atlanta, so I didn’t see much, and I was simply tired and ready to be at home.

Lon was the first person I saw upon returning to Atlanta after 134 days. He was an actor. I met him at the gas station near our home.

I arrived home at 9:22 pm. I thought Boz would be surprised, but she was expecting me.

38,127 on the odometer. We logged 29,062 miles in our cars. I need to calculate the mileage in the rental car in Alaska and the loaner car in North Dakota plus the mileage we’ll do in Hawaii, and that will be the grand total for the trip. We could hit 30,000. We originally thought the trip would be about 20,000 miles, but we really didn’t know. It’s impossible to calculate the mileage on two-lane roads, the time you spend in towns, the mileage you’ll spend lost, the unexpected side trips that you’ll make, backtracking, etc.

The trip began 134 days before on April 1. The trip had been a spectacular experience, but I was happy to get home. We need to make reservations for Hawaii — state #50, and we will go just as soon as we can get a flight that will let us use our frequent flyer points. We hope this will be within the next two weeks.

I planned to spend a lot of time updating the website, processing photos, and writing. I planned to continue to maintain the Daily Journal until the Hawaii trip completed the journey.

And we do plan to take the trip Round America again. Next time, BACKWARDS! We’ll start in Atlanta, drive to Savannah, and then head north rather than south. The fatigue factor kept me from seeing as many sights in the east as I should have, so we’ll correct this the next time by starting there.

The lesson I re-learned today is that as enjoyable as travel can be, there is little that is more enjoyable than good friends and family.  And while there are fabulous places to see all across our amazing country, home is a mighty special place.

The Daily Journal of Round America:

Each day, we collect our thoughts on a web page just like this. We drop in some of the photos from the day. Our goal with the Daily Journal is to write about the towns we visit, the sights we see, the people we meet, and the pie we eat. We write about where we are, where we’ve been, and where we are going, but we also make observations about what we’ve seen and done as well as about life in general.

You can follow our travels from the Daily Journal section of this website. Other pages of interest include the running report of “vital statistics” on the Trip Scorecard, our nominations for the Best & Worst of the trip, as well as a rating of the pie we eat. If you’d like to see information for a specific state or town, click here, and then click on the state of interest, and the full itinerary is shown.


More Information on the Sights Visited Today:
Charleston South Carolina — Your Place — Dublin Georgia — Atlanta Georgia

Lost in Atlanta – Day 1

Lost in Atlanta

Day 1 – April 1, 2003 – Tuesday

The time: 9:15 am.

The date: April 1, 2003.

The place: Atlanta, Georgia.

Our trip Round America begins.

After years of thinking about this trip and several months of intense planning and research, we charged out of our home at 9:15 a.m. filled with excitement and anticipation. 28,036 on the odometer – will be over 56,000 after we visit all 50 states.  “Baby You Can Drive My Car” by The Beatles was cued up on the CD player and provided great dancin’ music as we hit the road.  We were pumped!

We ran right straight into Atlanta’s biggest de-ttraction: nasty bumper-to-bumper traffic.  Thirty minutes later, we managed to escape, top off the gas tank, grab a couple of Cokes, and put the car in high gear headed east to Athens, Georgia.  Enthusiasm filled the air.

I almost immediately learned the hard way that our 29-cent clip-in-the-window-sill cup holders should not be asked to hold nearly full open cans of Coca-Cola.  Our second stop was in a church parking lot a few blocks from our home to clean up all the Coke.  But nothing could dampen our enthusiasm, so we cranked her into high gear once again, and we were off – vowing that we would let nothing bring us down – this was to be a happy, fun, experience-of-a-lifetime!

We then became hopelessly Lost in Atlanta trying to find the little two-lane road I had chosen off a map.  An hour into the trip, we came upon the golden dome of the Georgia State Capitol Building.  It glistened beautifully in the late morning sun.  One problem: the Georgia State Capitol Building is in downtown Atlanta – due south from our home and NOWHERE near Athens, Georgia.  Lost in Atlanta.  All we could do was laugh!  A fitting start to the trip.  I could have probably driven straight to the world’s largest ball of twine in Cawker City, Kansas (where I’d not yet been), but I couldn’t even find my way out of the town we live in!  Sometimes we can’t see the trees for the forest.  I had the big picture, but I couldn’t put together one of the most important little pieces.  Lost in AtlantaWith the help of a cell phone and our daughter, Brittany, we managed to get headed in the right direction, and we ultimately made it to Athens – just two hours later than planned.

Behind schedule, we didn’t stop to see any sights in Athens.  Not the way we had planned to begin the trip.  Lost in Atlanta.

From Athens, we took the Antebellum Trail – a highway that goes through an area of Georgia with beautiful antebellum homes.  We fell in love with Madison, Georgia.  Madison is described as the “#1 Small Town in America.”  Gorgeous streets with stately homes, a wonderful town square, great shops, nice people, and just a warm feeling.

We took a lot of photos, and we had an excellent lunch at The Madison Gift Mart and Cafe. Our waitress, Ginger, was delightful, and we thoroughly enjoyed hearing about life in her very small town.  Ginger reported in her DEEP southern accent that everyone in Madison was really excited about the new skating rink (roller, no doubt).  Unfortunately, the place will only hold 250 people, and it’s almost impossible to get in because the young kids have made it their hangout.  She bemoaned the fact that WalMart is about the only place in town to shop.  But she loves living in Madison and commented about how special it is that since the town has only one elementary school, one middle school, and one high school; her children will attend all 12 years of school with the same friends. (That’s an interesting concept for someone like me who had lived in 15 cities and 31 homes in 54 years). Clearly Ginger and the folks in Madison do have a kinder and gentler life than we know in the big cities where we have lived.

We also met Savannah and April at the cafe, and we took their photo.  The Blackberry Cobbler was recommended by the nice lady at the Madison Chamber of Commerce, and it was excellent – just like Grandma used to make!  Even better was the Gentleman Jim’s Tea – 1/2 sweet tea and 1/2 lemonade.  Try it; it’s really good.  We planned to eat in Juliette at the Fried Green Tomatoes Cafe, but it was closed on Mondays and Tuesdays, so we will visit it at another time.

We managed to get lost two additional times today.  It appears that one of the great challenges of driving around the country on two-lane roads will be FINDING the darned roads.  Highway 8 to Dacula (that’s Dracula without the R) just isn’t marked clearly.  We may need that fanccy new GPS system that Uncle Ward told us to take.

We took a number of photos along the way.  We saw some expressions of patriotism, but nowhere near what we all saw after 9/11.  Dacula and Madison showed the greatest patriotism.

We rolled into Savannah a little after 8.  Amanda got us checked in at The River Street Inn, and she recommended a place for pie.  We met John and Linda Michelin from Montreal in the parking lot; they saw the sign on the car and wanted to know about the trip.  Delightful people.  They invited us to stay at their home in Canada.

We had a nice dinner at The Shrimp Factory (recommended by Karen, our dental hygienist in Atlanta).  vOur waiter, Michael, took great care of us and even showed us how to get to Forrest Gump’s bus bench tomorrow.  We topped off dinner with the pie recommended by Amanda from the hotel — White Chocolate Coconut Cream Pie.  Barbara said it was the best pie she had ever eaten in her life!  It was tasty.  But we had about 175 pieces of pie to go.  LOL.

We took a stroll down the lovely waterfront area before calling it a night.  Savannah is truly a uniquely beautiful American city, and we look forward to tomorrow.

The biggest lesson we learned today, or most important observation, is that there is a kinder and gentler life in the smaller towns in America.  Small towns seem somewhat insulated from the negative aspects of life in big cities.

Lost in Atlanta  LOL.

The Daily Journal of Round America:

Each day, we collect our thoughts on a web page just like this.  We drop in some of the photos from the day.  Our goal with the Daily Journal is to write about the towns we visit, the sights we see, the people we meet, and the pie we eat.  We write about where we are, where we’ve been, and where we are going, but we also make observations about what we’ve seen and done as well as about life in general.

You can follow our travels from the Daily Journal section of this website.  Other pages of interest include the running report of “vital statistics” on the Trip Scorecard, our nominations for the Best & Worst of the trip, as well as a rating of the pie we eat.  If you’d like to see information for a specific state or town, click here, and then click on the state of interest, and the full itinerary is shown.

Random Comments:

Some folks think we are nuts to take off driving around the country for several months.  In honor of those people, we chose April Fool’s Day to begin our adventure.  Maybe we are crazy, but we are very excited to see so many wonderful sights in this great country that most of us never see.  There aren’t a lot of people who could or would take off and drive around the country for four months, so we’ve created and will build this website to provide a virtual tour for those of you who wish you could do something like this… or those of you who are just curious.

Photo Gallery:

These are all the worthwhile photos from Day 1.  When you click on a thumbnail photo of interest, it will open the photo in a larger size.  When you hover your cursor over a thumbnail, it displays a caption that identifies the photo.

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More Information on the Sights Visited Today:
Georgia State Capitol in Atlanta — Apalachee School House — Madison, Georgia — How to get Lost in Atlanta.

Atlanta to Savannah GA Hwy Day 1 — April 1
Atlanta GA
Atlanta to Tucker GA 8
Tucker to Lawrenceville GA 8
Lawrenceville to Dacula GA 8
Dacula to Auburn GA 29
Auburn to Carl GA 29
Carl to Russell GA 29
Russell to Stratham GA
Stratham to Bogart GA
Bogart to Athens GA University of Georgia; Stonehenge replica; world’s only double-barreled cannon; Tree That Owns Itself
Athens to Watkinsville GA 441 Georgia’s Antebellum Trail Scenic Route
Watkinsville to Bishop GA 441 Georgia’s Antebellum Trail Scenic Route
Bishop to Farmington GA 441 Georgia’s Antebellum Trail Scenic Route
Farmington to Apalachee GA 441 Georgia’s Antebellum Trail Scenic Route
Apalachee to Madison GA 441 Georgia’s Antebellum Trail Scenic Route
Madison to Eatonton GA 441 Georgia’s Antebellum Trail Scenic Route
Eatonton to Warfield GA 441 Georgia’s Antebellum Trail Scenic Route
Warfield to Milledgeville GA 441 Georgia’s Antebellum Trail Scenic Route
Milledgeville to Haddock GA 22 Georgia’s Antebellum Trail Scenic Route
Haddock to Gray GA 22 Georgia’s Antebellum Trail Scenic Route
Gray to Clinton GA 129 Georgia’s Antebellum Trail Scenic Route
Clnton to Juliette GA 18 & 87 Fried Green Tomatoes Café
Juliette to Clinton GA 18 & 87
Clinton to Macon GA 129 Georgia Music Hall of Fame
Macon to Dry Branch GA 80
Dry Branch to Fitzpatrick GA 80
Fitzpatrick to Jeffersonville GA 80
Jeffersonville to Danville GA 80
Danville to Allentown GA 80
Allentown to Montrose GA 80
Montrose to Dudley GA 80
Dudley to Dublin GA 80
Dublin to East Dublin GA 80
East Dublin to Scott GA 80
Scott to Adrian GA 80
Adrian to Swainsboro GA 80
Swainsboro to Twin City GA 80
Twin City to Portal GA 80
Portal to Statesboro GA 80 Georgia Southern University
Statesboro to Brooklet GA 80
Brooklet to Stilson GA 80
Stilson to Blichton GA 80
Blichton to Eden GA 80
Eden to Bloomingdale GA 80
Bloomingdale to Pooler GA 80
Pooler to Garden City GA 80
Garden City to Savannah GA 80 World Globe Storage Tank